There is No Place to Live Free or Die

I have tried everything possible to be a good citizen. Just got out of the police station after being arrested while riding my bike 50 ft on the sidewalk (at time of arrest I was off sidewalk) while waiting for my sandwich to be made at a local small business. Police...
Eskimos in Alaska

Eskimos in Alaska

    With Inuit populations around 20,000 people, Eskimos in Alaska could be, and for the most part are, wiped out through modern society and all the evils that come with it (global warming, over hunting, genocide/territory disputes). This has been done with...

Why Facebook IPO Will Fail | Facebook IPO Scam

What’s hyped up, made of nothing and depreciates faster than a new car? Shares of Facebook’s first public offering. Ha With initial asking price of $38 on Friday the 18th of May , Facebook’s IPO share price has dropped almost 15% at the time of this...